So, Just before I left for the AGU meeting for a week, the rear brakes on the Golf started to let it be known that there was NO PAD LEFT. Yes, metal-on-metal. Surprised me that the pads wore out so fast. But then the rear brakes had been dragging a bit so I should have been more watchful.
In any case, nothing like a job that has to be done right away. Down to the parts store, picked up some ceramic pads this time for longer life, and some upgraded rotors for a few bucks more... And of course the 'borrow' brake rewind tool.
And then what should have been a 1-hour job became epic. Why? First, unbeknownst to me, the brake rewind tool was broken in a subtle way. On these rear brakes, the piston must be rotated clockwise as it's pressed back into the caliper- so an ordinary c-clamp wouldn't do the job, and this tool has special pawls to grab the piston and rotate it as it presses. But the pin on the shaft that forces the rotation was sheared off inside, so it wasn't rotating. All I knew was that no matter how much force I used, the pistons would not go back in. And just about hour 2 trying to do this, in spite of the fact that I'd dutifully hung the calipers on 'coat hanger' wire to keep any strain from the brake hose, the hose broke on the RH caliper right where it attaches to the caliper. And, of course, it's a pre-bent hard-line grafted to the flexible hose (no fitting, just crimped on), so not available at the parts store- special order.
So, order the parts (and rebuild kits for the calipers, since I've got them off, I might as well and that will hopefully eliminate the dragging). Then borrow a car for the week and go to the meeting.
It wasn't until I tried putting the calipers back together that I discovered the problem with the tool. But the parts store gladly exchanged it and, after some significant effort getting the pistons back in past the new rubber seals, it was back to the 1-hour job it was supposed to be.
All this to say: new rotors, pads, and rebuilt calipers on the golf. And a newly-borrowed Honda CR-V which might just become a third rig in the stable, while the Trooper's laid up. Sorry no photos on this one, but the job was more of a "get it done so the car can be back on the road" kind of thing.